Easter Baskets for Safe Haven Ministries
Putting together Easter baskets for Children in the Safe Haven domestic violence center
Putting together Easter baskets for Children in the Safe Haven domestic violence center
The church will be open from 6:30 to 7:30 for Prayer & Meditation
Baby Shower
8:30am Sonrise Service 9:00am Potluck Breakfast 10:00am Easter Worship Service
Easter 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11, Isaiah 25: 6-9, Psalm 118: 1-2, Mark 16: 1-8, John 20: 1-18 Preside: Priest Vickie Reynolds Preach: High Priest Tom Reynolds Tech: Larry Steiner Keyboard: Jill Colthorp
Second Sunday of Easter 1 John 1: 1-2:2, Psalm 133, John 20: 19-31, Acts 4: 32-35, Doc & Cov 162:3a-b Preside: Elder Dick Blair Preach: Evangelist Marvin Rice Communion Assisters: Don, Brenda, Tom, Vickie Tech: Elder Rolly Smith Keyboard: Elder Patti Zehr
Third Sunday of Easter Luke 24: 36b-48/24:35-47 IV, Psalm 4; Acts 3:12-19; 1 John 3:1-7, Doc & Cov 162:7d Preside: Elder Patti Findley Preach: Elder Patti Zehr Tech: Elder Anne Harvey Keyboard: Linda Kuhn
Fourth Sunday of Easter 1 John 3: 16-24, Psalm 23: John 10: 11-18, Acts 4: 5-12, Doc & Cov 163: 9 Preside: Priest Vickie Reynolds Preach: Chad Jackson Tech: Elder Anne Harvey Keyboard: Gwen Koster