Community of Christ Union Ave

Come to know Christ

Seventh Sunday of Easter Ascension Ephesians 1: 15-23, Luke 24: 44-53, Psalm 47, Acts 1: 1-11 Preside: Priest Dale Sieting Preach: High Priest Tom Reynolds Tech Person: Elder Rolly Smith Keyboard: Linda Khun

We Are One, We Are Many

Day of Pentecost 1 Corinthians 12: 3b-13, Numbers 11: 24-30, Psalm 104: 24-34, 35b,  John 7: 37-39, Acts: 2: 1-21 Preside: Elder Anne Harvey Preach: Elder Tim Colthorp Tech Person: Larry Steiner Keyboard: Gwen Koster

God, An Eternal Community

First Sunday After Pentecost - Trinity Sunday 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13, Genesis 1: 1-2-4b, Psalm 8. Matthew 28: 16-20 Preside: Priest: Vickie Reynolds Preach: Elder Colin Zehr Communion Assisters: Dale, Dick, Tim, Darla

Reach out with Faith

Matthew 9: 9-13, 18-26/ 9:10-14, 23-32 IV, Genesis 12: 1-9, Psalm 33: 1-12, Romans 4: 13-25, Doc & Cov 151: 9 Preside: Patti Findley Preach: Evangelist: Bobbi Mier Keyboard: Linda Kuhn

Blessing of the Bikes

Union Ave. Community of Christ 2140 Union Ave., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

This is an opportunity for children in the neighborhood to decorate their bikes and have them for the beginning of summer.

Go Proclaim the Good News

Matthew 9: 35 - 10: 23, 9: 41 - 10: 20 IV, Genesis 18: 1 -15; 21: 1-7, Psalm 116: 1-2, 12-19; Romans 5: 1-8, Doc & Cov 165: 2 Preside: Elder Judy Rice Preach: Evangelists Marvin Rice Keyboard:  Elder Patti Zehr

Walk in the Newness of Life

Romans 6: 1b-11, Genesis 21: 8-21, Psalm 86: 1-10, 16-17, Matthew 10: 24-39 Doc & Cov 161: 3 Elder: Jim Findley Preach High Priest: Tom Reynolds Keyboard: Jill Colthorp