Community of Christ Union Ave

Scripture Meditation

Weekly Prayer Focus

Sunday—God the Father

God, how are you revealed in this scripture?

How is your glory displayed here?



Jesus, what are you saying in this scripture?

What truths are made clear?


Tuesday—Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, where are you going/moving in this passage?


Wednesday—Union Avenue

In what ways does this scripture call the congregation to conform to the image of Christ?


Thursday—Our Neighbors

How are we called to service in our neighborhood?

Open our eyes and ears to your opportunities!



How does this scripture speak to me?

Speak, your servant is listening.



Lead me to act!

God speaks to us through his Word. Listening to what the Holy Spirit says to us through scripture is indispensable for our spiritual development. 

Meditation Scriptures for Lent

Lent Week 1

Lent Week 2

Lent Week 3

Lent Week 4

Lent Week 5

Lent Week 6 

March 9

March 16

March 23

March 30

April 6

April 13

Romans 10:8b-13;        or Luke 4:1-13

Philippians 3:17-4:1;     or Luke 13:31-35

1 Corinthians 10:1-13;  or Luke 13:1-9

2 Corinthians 5:16-21;  or Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

John 12:1-8

Luke 19:28-40


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