Bible Study – Sermon on the Mount
Sunday Nights - Session 1
Sunday Nights - Session 1
Sixth Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 3:13-22, John 14: 15-21, Psalm 66: 8-20, Acts 17: 22-31
During the summer, immediately following the worship service, we will share in fellowship and snacks on the front lawn. The "community" is welcome, family, friends and neighbors.
Seventh Sunday of Easter Ascension Ephesians 1: 15-23, Luke 24: 44-53, Psalm 47, Acts 1: 1-11 Preside: Priest Dale Sieting Preach: High Priest Tom Reynolds Tech Person: Elder Rolly SmithContinue reading "Come to know Christ"
Session 1
Day of Pentecost 1 Corinthians 12: 3b-13, Numbers 11: 24-30, Psalm 104: 24-34, 35b, John 7: 37-39, Acts: 2: 1-21 Preside: Elder Anne Harvey Preach: Elder Tim Colthorp Tech Person:Continue reading "We Are One, We Are Many"
First Sunday After Pentecost - Trinity Sunday 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13, Genesis 1: 1-2-4b, Psalm 8. Matthew 28: 16-20 Preside: Priest: Vickie Reynolds Preach: Elder Colin Zehr Communion Assisters: Dale,Continue reading "God, An Eternal Community"
Session 1
Matthew 9: 9-13, 18-26/ 9:10-14, 23-32 IV, Genesis 12: 1-9, Psalm 33: 1-12, Romans 4: 13-25, Doc & Cov 151: 9 Preside: Patti Findley Preach: Evangelist: Bobbi Mier Keyboard: LindaContinue reading "Reach out with Faith"
This is an opportunity for children in the neighborhood to decorate their bikes and have them for the beginning of summer.