Hebrews 10: 11-25, 1 Samuel 1: 4-20, Psalm 16, Mark 13: 1-8, Doc & Cov 165: 2a-b Preside: Priest Vickie Reynolds Preach: Elder Colin Zehr Tech: Elder Anne Harvey Keyboard:Continue reading "Hold Fast to Hope"
Preside: Elder Judy Rice Tech: Elder Rolly Smith Keyboard: Elder Patti Zehr
First Sunday of Advent Luke 1: 26-38 Preside: Elder Tim Colthorp Preach: Elder Colin Zehr Communion Assisters: Colin, Marvin, Judy, Dick Keyboard: Linda Kuhn
First Sunday of Advent Luke 1: 26-38 Preside: Elder Tim Colthorp Preach: Patti Keyboard: Linda Kuhn Communion Assisters: Colin, Marvin, Judy, Dick
Second Sunday of Advent Luke 1: 39-45 Preside: Elder Don Harvey Preach: Priest Brenda Harvey Keyboard: Jill Colthorp
Second Sunday of Advent Luke:1: 39-45 Preside: Elder Don Harvey Preach: Priest Brenda Harvey Keyboard: Jill Colthorp